Act naturally as you make your videos

 A natural, conversational tone is best for making videos


When you cut a video, don’t get all worked up about a formal stage “presence.” Your viewers want to know the real you, so come across naturally. Imagine that the camera and tripod are a friend or neighbor. Talk as you would in any situation like that.

Cutting a video, like any presentation, requires some preparation, of course. Decide what your message will be, write up an outline or some notes, and rehearse. As you are making the video, though, just be you.

Come across with that conversational tone, with the proper amount of eye contact, gestures and vocal variety. You don’t think about those things much when talking with a friend, so don’t worry about them as you are producing your video.

If you’re really nervous, consider joining a program like Toastmasters or Dale Carnegie. The skills and confidence you gain will benefit you far beyond those videos you produce for business.

For additional tips on improving your communication skills, see “Effective communication skills are critical in today’s economy” and “Some tips for effective presentations.”

Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy



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P.S. In case you’re wondering, I wasn’t in some deep thought at the point in the video captured above. That was the best of the three images YouTube offered. Gives you an idea what the other two look like!

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