Important tips for building sales

Professional development is important for any business person. But that’s especially true of sales people. I recently had the pleasure of sitting in on a very valuable presentation by Larry Cockerel. Here are some reflections of that seminar.

effective selling, sales training seminar, sales coaching, how to build sales, how to sell more, Jeffrey GitomerLarry, a veteran sales development and training specialist from the Milwaukee area, started off by reminding us that sales is all about attitude. “We have choices to make everyday,” Larry said. “We can choose to put on a positive attitude.”

Larry invited the audience to rate their levels of confidence, belief and courage. These were on a 1-5 scale. Larry pointed out the pitfalls of rating our confidence too high or too low. Too low and we don’t feel we’re able to accomplish anything. Too high, and you may fall into that trap of thinking you have it all.

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What’s in your dream folder?

If you’re like most successful business people, you regularly set goals and objectives. You post your list prominently and review your goals regularly.  Doing so keeps you focused and motivated. Would you like to take your personal development further? Perhaps enhance your motivation and therefore the chances for success?

Create a dream file. That’s right, a dream file.

You see, one problem with a list of goals and objectives is that it’s just words and numbers on paper: There isn’t a visual aspect to your list. How, after all, do you visualize a new and higher annual income?

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Ring in the new year with a renewed commitment to success

It’s that time of year again. Time to start implementing all those grand resolutions we make every year. On the professional side, we set new goals for ourselves, hoping again to do better than the year before.

I realize this sounds a bit sarcastic, and in a way it is. But that’s because many of our resolutions, especially those having to do with diet and exercise, tend to fall by the wayside rather quickly. Professional goals usually are taken more seriously, if only because the bottom line is on the line.

If you’re in network marketing / MLM, you have an extra set of responsibilities: that of your teammates. That may sound like a heavy burden, but remind yourself this: the more successful your teammates are, the more successful you are.

Let’s discuss how you can recommit to your teammates, then take a look at some goals for yourself.

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Need to make a decision? Get SMART

In life, as in business, we’re constantly making decisions. Decisions about what to do next. Where to go. What to buy. How to spend our time.

For the most part, the decision-making process isn’t very long or involved. Some decisions can be made quickly, while others require a bit more thought.

Sometimes a particular task or project is more involved or very important. You don’t want to be too quick about it. Some people have a systematic process for deciding what to do. If you don’t, and you often find yourself mulling over an issue for a lot longer than you should, consider the SMART principles.

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