Great Customer Service May Start With You

You receive an envelope from your bank and quickly rip it open. Inside is an overdraft notice. “THIS CAN’T BE!” you scream. You are peeved. Really peeved. You resolve to go stomping into your branch and reading the riot act to the first teller who flashes a smile your way. You grab your checkbook and … Read more

5 Simple Steps for Handling Customer Complaints

Nobody likes to deal with complaints. Indeed, most of us dread the task. We delay. Make excuses. Get a cup of coffee. Then another. As difficult as it is, try to view complaints in a positive manner. They allow you to address an issue that perhaps you didn’t know existed. “Silent sufferers” just go away, … Read more

Personalized contact enhances customer relationships

In this the digital age, when everyone can be connected to everyone (or nearly everyone) almost all the time, I wonder: how connected are we, especially to our customers? Sure, they can reach us at all hours with all sorts of means, but how in-touch are we with our customers? How many of these contacts … Read more

Random thoughts to improve your business operations

Over the years I’ve compiled an assortment of suggestions based on observations I’ve made. These include times when I’ve been a customer as well as a business partner. I share these tips in the hope that your business can benefit. In no particular order: Hit switch hook before hanging up. This applies when transferring a call … Read more

Stand behind your customers and products

Rarely does a TV show offer a great customer service lesson. But such was the case recently. It occurred during an episode of “Ask This Old House.” A customer contacted the show because his hot water heater crapped out. It was only 4 years old, and had been installed by Richard Trethewey, the plumbing/HVAC expert, … Read more