Use a to-do list to help manage your day

Salespeople understand the value of daily to-do lists. Those lists are equally valuable to workers in non-sales positions, as well.

To-do lists keep you focused throughout your day. It’s easy to ignore or forget tasks that aren’t written down. Much like goals, tasks are more likely to be completed if you keep a list of them handy. Often tasks are prioritized. That’s fine, as long as you don’t ignore those responsibilities lower on your list. Make use of the time management technique discussed in another column.

Stay focused on each task. Don’t start another one until you’ve completed the earlier one. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself immersed in several tasks and will be unable to complete any of them. Take one step at a time.

An added benefit of using a to-do list is the sense of accomplishment you feel as you check off your projects. What in the morning seemed like an insurmountable list is reduced to just a handful, if any, remaining duties by end of day. Take care of any leftover tasks immediately the next day. Otherwise you’ll find yourself constantly carrying over projects, and never clearing your list.

Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy



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