How to be a good manager

Good management goes beyond just making the monthly numbers. Organizations are run by people, so it’s your people skills that help determine whether you are a good manager and good leader.

Whole course are taught on this subject. I can only scratch the surface here. As one who spent many years in the “trenches” (that is, as a junior employee), I have a pretty good perspective on the qualities that make a good manager.

Most of these are common sense, but all deserve to be reviewed on occasion. Managers, like everyone else, slip into a groove at times. That’s when leadership consistency slides, and productivity drops along with morale. Review this list several times in the coming days. Do you find yourself violating any of these principles? Make the necessary changes. Your team and organization will be the better for it.

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Use a to-do list to help manage your day

Salespeople understand the value of daily to-do lists. Those lists are equally valuable to workers in non-sales positions, as well. To-do lists keep you focused throughout your day. It’s easy to ignore or forget tasks that aren’t written down. Much like goals, tasks are more likely to be completed if you keep a list of … Read more