Much like with exercising, becoming more productive (and therefore more successful) is possible by taking smaller steps. The key is to ingrain those steps in your brain so they become habit.
These steps include:
1. Cut out wasted time. I’m sure you can find 10 unproductive minutes during your day. Spend less time checking email, surfing the ‘net, or chatting on personal calls. You’d be amazed at how much of your day is wasted. Want to find out? Request your free time analysis sheet.
2. Eliminate distractions. Turn off your phones or send them to voice mail. Turn off the TV set. If the scenery outside is eye-catching, close the blinds. (Open the blinds after completing your project. That’s your reward.) Ask coworkers or kids to be quiet. Adjust the temperature in your room so it’s comfortable. You get the picture.