Here are two more business networking tips
Experiences during recent networking events have provided additional suggestions to make your involvement more beneficial. Consider these business networking tips the next time you attend one of those events.
1. Talk with vendors. Event sponsors sometimes are allowed to set up a table or booth. Attendees typically ignore the sponsors because, quite frankly they–the attendees–don’t want to listen to a sales pitch. That’s too bad.
The information that those reps provide could be useful. Perhaps you don’t need the service now, but you might later. Plus, you might be able to refer the firm someday. The best part, though, is that you have the chance to make your pitch. Do so. Swap cards, and move on.
2. Talk with job seekers. Perhaps you know of someone or some company that could help. Even if it seems “way out there,” offer the suggestion. The person will appreciate it. In my case, I offered several suggestions over the course of a two-day period. At one point, the job seeker emailed back, “How can I help you?” I hadn’t intended to talk about my business, but he offered me the opening.
You only get as much out of something, the old saying goes, as you put into it. Make the most of each business networking opportunity you can. You never know where the discussions may lead.
Have some good stories about networking you’d like to share? Feel free to comment below. And if you found value in this post, could I ask you to share it with others? Thanks.
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