Unavailable? Turn off the phone!

One big pet peeve of mine is when a person I’m calling answers the phone even though he can’t take the call. I hear, “I’m in a meeting” or “I’m on a conference call.” Why is your phone–that is, the cell phone–on? Because the person always leaves the cell phone on. That has to change.

I realize that you want to provide great customer service. You figure that answering the phone each time makes you responsive. True. But if you can’t talk, that’s not helping your customer any. Plus, you interrupted your current conversation or meeting to take the call. That’s rude. Having the phone on is actually counterproductive.

Hey, I can wait. I prefer to talk when it’s a good time for you then to be told we can’t talk now.

When you’re unavailable, set your phone(s) to voice mail. You can then concentrate on the conversation at hand, and get back to the caller when you can provide him your undivided attention.

For related reading, see “Good customer service starts with the incoming call”. And for another twist on this issue, see “Customer service is a two-way street.”

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Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy



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