Launching a home based business can be fun and rewarding with the right planning
Ahhh, to work from home. The ultimate dream job.
No boss looking over my shoulder. Can set my own hours. Work at my own pace. And, hey, become a millionaire! That’s what the website says, anyway.
If it were really that simple, we’d all be lounging around in our bathrobes, sipping coffee, reading the sports pages and watching our portfolios go through the roof.
Working at home can be extremely rewarding and satisfying. Think carefully before doing so, however. It’s a big change for you and your family. The following thoughts stem from working on my own for nearly seven years.
For more advice, go to the Small Business Administration’s website, found at Type “tips for starting out” in the search box.
Have money in the bank. It could take months to see a check. Can you wait that long? Some experts suggest you have at least six months’ worth of cash stashed away before starting. Remember that all your regular bills still need to get paid.
Research the company. Go beyond the website that caught your eye. Review the firm’s standing with the BBB, Dun & Bradstreet and other rating firms. Legitimate work at home companies attract and keep honest sales associates (known as affiliates). Contact several affiliates for their frank assessment of the product or service, and what’s involved in being an affiliate.
Can you sell the product? Disregard the hype on the website. Every legitimate work from home business idea is lucrative. Can you really see yourself trying to sell the featured product? Be honest. If you’re not sure, you won’t do well. And no one wants to buy from an unconfident – or worse, a pushy and shifty – salesperson.