This month’s Business Builder Academy meeting featured two outstanding seminars on effective leadership. The presenters were Susan L. Farrell, MBA and Lt. Cmdr. Chip Lutz USN (ret.).
This column recaps Susan’s presentation. I will discuss Chip’s seminar in my next column. Susan taps into her 25+ years of management and training experience to help women in management roles develop leadership, managerial, and interpersonal skills.
Author of “Don’t Act Like Prey!: A Guide To Personal Leadership for Women,” Susan stressed that if we’re going to lead, we must be assertive.
To set the stage, she offered the 3 R’s needed to manage a business properly.
Relationships: She reviewed personal and professional relationships and how they affect how we lead.
Rights: In addition to the common ones found in the US Constitution, Susan reminds us that we managers/business owners have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.