Do you sometimes find it difficult to produce content on a consistent basis? Perhaps you run out of ideas or time one day; possibly both.
Here’s one solution: Set aside an hour or two one day, and create a batch of content. Could be blog columns, videos, anything. Then post that material according to your normal schedule (which for most people is either daily or every other day).
I used this technique recently for a video series. I envisioned a total of seven videos that would be distributed over the course of a week. One day I felt particularly energetic and pounded out four videos. The remaining three were cut the following day. I then dribbled out the videos over a seven-day period.
This technique allows you to continue posting content to your websites and video channels on a regular basis even though you’re not producing the content each day. The material need not be related; that is, each column or video could discuss unique content. It’s all about maximizing the time you have and coordinating it with those periods when you are in your most creative zone. Try this sometime. I think you’ll be amazed at how productive you are.
For additional tips, see “Need to make a decision? Get SMART” , “Time management tip: Use an agenda” and “Stumped for ideas? Do as Bernie, Eric and Tom do.”
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