Daily ritual leads to business success

Mike Dillard, one of the foremost internet marketers today, offered some great advice during a webinar on March 22.  He packed a lot of information in the 80-plus minutes. Two suggestions really resonated with me, and I’d like to share them with you. These apply regardless of whether you are in an online or offline business.

1. Perform 3-5 meaningful tasks everyday – and he means everyday. Mike Dillard, founder of Magnetic Sponsoring, said that he’s followed that regimen for 10 years, and that’s how he became successful and has stayed that way. (He mentioned that after the webinar, which occurred on a Saturday, he was going to spend about 5 hours editing a video. Are you that committed to your business to devote a Saturday night to performing a necessary task?)

2. Become an expert in a particular skill. In the online world we call those people gurus. By becoming known as an expert in an area, people flock to you, thereby helping you become successful.

Every position in every industry requires skills. The more skilled you are, the more valuable you become to the organization.

For a traditional sales position, you might want to focus on prospecting, closing, marketing, or other important skill.

You see, any business opportunity can be lucrative. But unless you’ve mastered relevant skills, you won’t be that successful anywhere. What skill(s) do you need for your business? Commit to investing the time and money now. You will see great improvements in three to six months.

For more suggestions to help you succeed, see “Powerful open-ended sales question” and “Use business networking opportunities to build your business.”

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Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy


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