7 Common Writing Errors – And How to Avoid Them

An avid reader, I’ve stumbled across numerous writing errors over the years. And I’ll admit to making my share. But I still try for error-free copy. Other writers will attest to having “sensitive eyes” toward writing errors. Just natural, I guess. At the same time, I like to educate others on common writing mistakes and … Read more

Great Customer Service May Start With You

You receive an envelope from your bank and quickly rip it open. Inside is an overdraft notice. “THIS CAN’T BE!” you scream. You are peeved. Really peeved. You resolve to go stomping into your branch and reading the riot act to the first teller who flashes a smile your way. You grab your checkbook and … Read more

Test the Microphone Before Each Presentation

You’re about to give a presentation. You arrived early so you can set up as needed. All your notes are in order. You tested the projector and launched the PowerPoint file. You walked the room and have begun greeting attendees. All feels good. Is it? One facet of presentations that can be overlooked easily is … Read more

Common Writing Errors and How to Correct Them

All of us occasionally make mistakes in our writing. To err is human, as one adage goes. Even so, we should strive for error-free copy as often as possible. An error can take on many forms. What follows are common errors I’ve seen recently. Included with each example are possible solution(s). Watch for these errors … Read more

Good Time Management Skills Ensure Productive Day

Do you ever get the feeling that you can’t get caught up? Are you constantly working longer days–-as well as nights and weekends–-yet still behind? While part of that may be caused by an increased work load, some is also the result of poor time management. Work more efficiently, and you will be amazed at … Read more