During the Info-Marketing Blueprint conference last Friday, we were treated to some great advice and insight from Tim Erway, one of Mike Dillard’s colleagues at Magnetic Sponsoring. Tim spoke for an hour or so. By scribbling madly, I managed to record many of the points he offered that afternoon. The following is taken from my notes. While the sentences may not flow like perfect prose, I think you’ll still be able to glean the wisdom that Tim Erway offered.
We network marketers tend to undervalue ourselves, and refrain from bringing content to the marketplace because we feel it’s not worthy.
Not sure what to write about or produce? Ask yourself:
– What is your passion?
– What are you good at? How did you get good at it?
By learning, we are increasing our value. By putting that into practice, we are creating experience. We create value by implementing what we learned. “The more value we share, the wealthier we become,” he says.
Value of events like this one (Info-Marketing Blueprint): You meet people. Plus, you never know who you will be introduced to later. [From me: It’s a take on the old saying, “It’s not who you know, but who knows you.”]
Tim highly recommends keeping a journal of all your work. (He has filled several over the years.) Jot down, among other details, what bothers you and what you need help with. Let your subconscious mind dwell on those issues.
He asked the audience who had read Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich – many hands went up – and advised everyone to read it several times. You’ll find something new with each reading, as he has after reading five times.
For long-term growth, Tim Erway, an expert in attraction marketing, says you need to create market-driven products. In the past, he says, some people would create a product, then try to get the marketplace to accept the idea. It’s a different story today. Imagine what’s going through the prospect’s mind. Some questions to consider include:
What’s your biggest pain?
What’s your biggest challenge?
Remember to sell results; what pain your offer will solve or eliminate.
Referring to his own professional struggles years ago, Tim Erway says, “Success came from going for what I wanted, and not from running from what I feared [being kicked out of his apartment].”
Tim offered several suggestions to increase your income:
1. Scale up: Sell more to your list (“those who have already said yes”)
2. Sell other people’s material
3. Sell “on the fly”: webinars, group coaching calls, and such
He reminded us that acquiring customers is expensive, and that we must continually provide good content. Continue to remind yourself that what you can offer has value.
“Pursue your passion, master it, and teach it to others,” Tim Erway says. “Wealth comes from exchanging your knowledge” for money.
Tim offered some really valuable content during his discussion, and I hope I conveyed it properly here. Follow his suggestions, and you can become successful, as well.
For related reading, see “Ingraining the 7 habits of highly effective people.”
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