3 principles to achieve, maintain peak performance

In one of his videos, Brendon Burchard, author of “The Millionaire Mindset” and founder of High Performance Academy, invites viewers to create a video outlining their core principles. These are principles that we live everyday; that guide us and help us maintain a high performance level. He invites viewers to post a link to those videos on his Facebook page.

I took him up on the offer. My video outlines three core principles I live by: integrity, assisting others, and striving to succeed. These keep me focused in the right direction, but personally and professionally.

Integrity – Should be a given in everyone, but it’s important to remind ourselves everyday to be honest. Sometimes we want to cut corners to make a process go smoother. Salespeople occasionally are tempted to sell a higher priced solution. Or, sell even though another firm is better suited to solve the person’s problems.

Many years ago I was thrust into an uncomfortable position. My manager made what I felt was an unethical decision regarding a project. It affected a client’s bill. I didn’t say anything at the time, because I was more concerned about my position. (Whether that was a legitimate concern is hard to say.) Even so, I should’ve spoken up. At a minimum I would’ve felt better.

Now on my own, I can make the right call any time. I strive for that. You should, too. Put the other person’s interest(s) first. Be honest with your assessments and suggestions. If you can’t help the prospect say so. I have done that, and believe me, the prospect appreciates the candor and honesty. They also remember it.

Helping others – It’s always gratifying to know that advice you offered had a positive effect on the person. While in retailing in the ’80s, I received a really nice compliment one day. This gentleman returned to thank me for the clothing I suggested during his previous visit. He received several compliments during the wedding reception he purchased the clothing for. That made me feel really good.

There are numerous ways to help others, both personally and professionally. On occasion we salespeople lose sight of the fact that by offering our goods and services we are in a position to help others. Look beyond the order to the long-term good you can provide. Establish a solid relationship with your customers, and you will take even a greater interest in their well being. That’s a great feeling.

Striving to succeed – Success brings many benefits: nice house, various gadgets and cars, vacations, free time. Success, and the attendant income, also allow you to give back to society. I enjoy volunteering, and wish I could do more. Currently I’m wrapped up in building my businesses. Eventually I plan to have the income and time freedom that would allow me to do more and donate more. I find tremendous satisfaction in those activities.

Sure, I want to be successful to provide a better life for myself. But I also want to be in the position to give and do more. That drives me everyday.

What are your core principles? What drives you everyday to succeed and achieve a high level of performance? Feel free to comment below. And if you enjoyed this column, please share it with others by clicking on any of the buttons below.

For related reading, see “Review your professional life to help improve satisfaction, performance” and Want to be successful? Work hard.”

Is there anything you’d like to add to this list? Feel free to comment below. If you liked this post, could you do me a favor and share it with others? You may use any of the buttons below. To contact me, send an email.

Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy



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