Want to reduce stress? Take a walk!

While office work isn’t as physically demanding as, say, hauling shingles or operating a jack hammer, it can be taxing in its own way. Office workers often look for ways to reduce stress. Adjusting the work load will help, of course. Can certain tasks be handled by others?

Consider, too, the layout of your office. Does it incorporate an ergonomic design? Furniture and lighting that are not conducive to efficient operations can seriously impair your abilities.

how to reduce stress, relieve stress, reduce stress, weight loss planAnother problem is that many office workers simply don’t get enough exercise. Their reasons are many, but often involve time and/or money. Consider this: What can you do that is free, really easy to do, doesn’t take much time, and pays big dividends long term? Talk a walk!

According to American Heart Association, a 30-minute daily regimen that includes walking and moderate physical activity offers numerous benefits. Some of these include:

– Improved blood pressure and sugar levels
– Reduced risk of coronary heart disease
– Reduced risk of osteoporosis
– Enhanced mental well being
– Lowered risk of obesity

Lunch time is a great time for a walk. I walk after lunch every day, and often after supper as well. Don’t let cold or rainy weather stop you. Once you start making excuses for the weather, you’ll find all sorts of reasons for staying put.

While a nice, brisk walk provides greater benefits, even a short hike up and down the halls of your office building can help. Don’t have time for that? Give yourself a break every 60 to 90 minutes, and do some light stretching at your work station. You’ll feel better, and your eyes will get a needed rest.

The key is to get up and away from your desk several times each day. You can do some simple exercises. If possible, get out for a walk, as well. You’ll be just a bit more invigorated as you resume your work.

There’s one sure-fire way to reduce stress: Escape now!

What do you do to reduce stress? Feel free to offer your suggestions in the comment box. If you liked this post, could you do me a favor and share it with others? You may use any of the buttons below. To contact me, send an email.

Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy


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