Do you ever get the feeling that you can’t get caught up? Are you constantly working longer days–-as well as nights and weekends–-yet still behind?
While part of that may be caused by an increased work load, some is also the result of poor time management. Work more efficiently, and you will be amazed at what you accomplish. And how much free time you suddenly have later.
The key is to recognize how easily it is to waste snippets of time through-out your day, then put those to work for you. Successful time management requires discipline, as you shall see.
For example, let’s say you spend 10 minutes every morning checking email or text messages. Over the course of a work week, that equates to 50 minutes — nearly an hour — engaged in nonproductive work. Over the course of a typical 50-week work year, those 50 minutes per week total 2500 minutes. (The solution entails budgeting time for those actions. To learn more, see “Time Management Tip: Use an Agenda.”)
Now, consider that there are 480 minutes in an eight-hour work day. In the above example, over the course of a year, you spend the equivalent of more than five days engaged in that activity. Should you stop checking message? No. Just work those activities into proper times during your day.
Develop and maintain a to-do list to ensure an orderly work day
Salespeople understand the value of daily to-do lists. Those lists are equally valuable to workers in non-sales positions, as well.
To-do lists keep you focused throughout your day. It’s easy to ignore or forget tasks that aren’t written down. Much like goals, tasks are more likely to be completed if you keep a list of them handy. Often tasks are prioritized. That’s fine, as long as you don’t ignore those responsibilities lower on your list. Make use of the time management technique discussed above.
An added benefit is the sense of accomplishment you feel as you check off your projects. What in the morning seemed like an insurmountable list is reduced to just a handful, if any, remaining duties by end of day. Take care of any leftover tasks immediately the next day. Otherwise you’ll find yourself constantly carrying over projects, and never clearing your list.
Make full use of open blocks of time
Picture the other blocks of free time that crop up during your day. These can range anywhere from five to 15 minutes (sometimes more), and occur when your schedule changes suddenly. Perhaps a meeting wraps up early. Another one doesn’t start on time. Or you finish a project early.
Do you make good use of the extra moments, or do you sit at your workstation and mindlessly idle away the time?
I call those little blocks of time, “Catch-up Time.” They allow you to catch up on all the tasks you’ve been putting off because, well, you convinced yourself you didn’t have time for them. In fact, you do.
A to-do list is really helpful now. Scanning your list you will find a number of things you can do, such as:
Placing a phone call
Answering emails
Writing (or continuing) a letter
Rehearsing a presentation
This isn’t the time for busy work. While some tasks are of a lower priority, all must get done.
Spend a few moments analyzing your work day. Did you experience any “Catch-up Time”? Make a mental note to take advantage of this valuable time when it next appears.
Much like an exercise program, this process will soon become habit. Whenever a block of time opens up, you will use it to knock off some tasks. The result? A more efficient and productive day, and more free time outside of work. And all because you followed a sound, disciplined time management program.
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