Enhanced copywriting skills important for freelance writers

I am ready to enlarge my library. We freelance writers must always be studying our craft and honing our skills. After consulting some successful internet marketers, I’ve zeroed in on these books to start with: “Adweek Copywriting Handbook” by Joe Sugarman “The Irresistible Offer” by Mark Joyner “Web Copy That Sells” by Maria Veloso “The … Read more

Enhance your business with Mike Dillard’s mentoring program

An important aspect in any successful business is mentoring. Having access to a successful person in your field is so valuable. In the world of internet marketing, few names stand out like Mike Dillard’s. Right from the start–with Magnetic Sponsoring–Mike established himself as a talented and successful entrepreneur.

Mike Dillard, Magnetic Sponsoring, Live Free and ProsperOver the years he has launched at least two companies that each posted 8-figure sales totals. To say that Mike Dillard is successful is an understatement.

In early 2014, Mike decided to introduce a mentoring program. Called Live Free and Prosper, this program allows members to gain advice directly from Mike. During each weekly webinar, Mike addresses nearly a dozen questions on a broad array of challenges to internet marketers.  The types of questions he gets includes:

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Daily ritual leads to business success

Mike Dillard, one of the foremost internet marketers today, offered some great advice during a webinar on March 22.  He packed a lot of information in the 80-plus minutes. Two suggestions really resonated with me, and I’d like to share them with you. These apply regardless of whether you are in an online or offline business.

1. Perform 3-5 meaningful tasks everyday – and he means everyday. Mike Dillard, founder of Magnetic Sponsoring, said that he’s followed that regimen for 10 years, and that’s how he became successful and has stayed that way. (He mentioned that after the webinar, which occurred on a Saturday, he was going to spend about 5 hours editing a video. Are you that committed to your business to devote a Saturday night to performing a necessary task?)

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Tim Erway: How to succeed in your network marketing business

During the Info-Marketing Blueprint conference last Friday, we were treated to some great advice and insight from Tim Erway, one of Mike Dillard’s colleagues at Magnetic Sponsoring. Tim spoke for an hour or so. By scribbling madly, I managed to record many of the points he offered that afternoon. The following is taken from my notes. While the sentences may not flow like perfect prose, I think you’ll still be able to glean the wisdom that Tim Erway offered.

We network marketers tend to undervalue ourselves, and refrain from bringing content to the marketplace because we feel it’s not worthy.

Not sure what to write about or produce? Ask yourself:
– What is your passion?
– What are you good at? How did you get good at it?

By learning, we are increasing our value. By putting that into practice, we are creating experience. We create value by implementing what we learned. “The more value we share, the wealthier we become,” he says.

Value of events like this one (Info-Marketing Blueprint): You meet people. Plus, you never know who you will be introduced to later. [From me: It’s a take on the old saying, “It’s not who you know, but who knows you.”]

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