Is your professional brand positive?

What is your brand? More importantly, does it evoke a positive impression in your customers and prospects?

In “The Heart of Selling,” Jacqui Sakowski implores sales people to put customers’ interests first. Doing so is an important first step in creating a positive brand.

“We need to show clients and prospective clients,” she writes, “that our personal brand respects and shares their values; that we are concerned about more than simply selling more products and services and generating profits. We need to show them that our heart is as engaged as our head when we do business.”

How often have you wanted to sell a more expensive option merely to earn a higher commission? By thoroughly investigating and analyzing the prospect’s firm and needs, and offering only the right solution, you become a trusted partner.

Developing a strong reputation–a key component in your brand–will help you throughout your sales career.

For more helpful reading, see “8 steps to ensure more success in sales” and “Want to be successful?”

What is your opinion? Have you witnessed sales people putting personal interests above their customers’? How about you? Feel free to comment below. If you liked this post, could you do me a favor and share it with others? You may use any of the buttons below. To contact me, send an email.

Tom Fuszard, content writer, blog writing, pr writing, web copy



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